Why we started CEBHA+
Why we started CEBHA+
Why we started CEBHA+
Why we started CEBHA+
Training within CEBHA+
Within CEBHA+, thus far three workshops have aimed to develop capacity of those working directly on CEBHA+ research activities: an integrated knowledge translation (IKT) workshop, a teaching evidence-based healthcare (EBHC) workshop, and an issue briefs for policy and practice workshop.
IKT workshop
This three day workshop from 31 October - 2 November 2018, was based on a pre-existing workshop offered at Stellenbosch University. It focused on understanding knowledge translation and its role in the research to policy process. More specifically, the workshop focused on identifying and mapping important stakeholders, as well as designing, planning, implementing and evaluating an IKT strategy in the CEBHA+ context. In total, 13 CEBHA+ staff members attended the workshop, representing all African CEBHA+ partner institutions and one of two German partner institutions.
This workshop highlights the interconnected nature of the various CEBHA+ work packages: both developing capacity and involving policy-makers in the research process through IKT are central to the CEBHA+ philosophy. Feedback on the workshop was positive, with participants enjoying the interactive and practical nature of the workshop, and recognizing the relevance for the CEBHA+ project.
"Thanks for a great workshop! Very timely and relevant to the CEBHA+ project. It was very good that members from all CEBHA+ sites participated"
Teaching EBHC workshop
From June 24 - 31 October 2019, members from each CEBHA+ partner participated in the Teaching Evidence-based Healthcare (EBHC) short course, offered at Stellenbosch University. The aim of this course was to enable participants to develop an understanding of the fundamental theory relating to teaching and learning in an adult learning context, and to apply that theory in an authentic EBHC teaching context. This was a blended course comprising online learning and a face-to-face contact session. As part of online learning, participants engaged in discussions, created their on Wiki on methods of instruction to facilitate learning and completed self-assessments. The face-to-face contact session was held in Cape Town from 26-29 August 2019. During these sessions, we used interactive exercises to consolidate concepts already encountered during online learning, and to afford participants the opportunity to experience various methods used when teaching EBHC.
Participants went back to their home institutions to plan, implement and evaluate a teaching session on EBHC as part of the final assessment for the course. It was great to see some of the participants join the CEBHA+ Evidence-based Public Health workshop as facilitators in Rwanda in September 2019, to put into action what they had learned. Indeed, we envisage that CEBHA+ members that attended the course will be well-equipped to run the EBHC training at their home institutions.
Engaging with Decision Makers: Issue Briefs for Policy and Practice workshop
From March 5 - 6 2020, 16 individuals from 4 African CEBHA+ partners participated in an interactive and practical workshop on producing Issue Briefs for key decision-makers. The workshop was provided by a South African CEBHA+ partner (the Centre for Evidence Based Health Care) and took place from 5-6 Mar 2020 in Stellenbosch, South Africa. The training - adapted for CEBHA+ from a pre-existing workshop offered at Stellenbosch University - highlighted the complex decision making environments that may or may not consider evidence and how to navigate these in various contexts. Out of the many tools that can be used to communicate with decision-makers, participants worked in pairs to produce issue briefs. They populated content and recommendations for a total of 8 decision makers across 4 African countries: Ethiopia, Malawi, Rwanda and Uganda.
Similar to the initial IKT workshop of 2018, this workshop intersects various CEBHA+ work packages in order to develop capacity as well as advance the underpinning IKT philosophy.