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EBPH Workshop

In response to the limited training initiatives in the field of EBPH in Africa and around the world, the capacity development working group of CEBHA+ developed a five-day workshop on EBPH. So far it has been implemented in Kampala , Uganda in 2018 and in Kigali, Rwanda in 2019. Future workshops will follow in Blantyre, Malawi and Addis Ababa, Ethiopia.


The workshop, held over five days, aims to introduce the concepts of EBPH and focuses on asking questions, and finding, appraising, interpreting and applying best evidence to public health questions relevant to the African setting.  Sessions comprise lectures, interactive group exercises, small group discussions and hands-on practice. CEBHA+ members from the local partner as well as other African and German partners contribute in the planning and facilitation to help make each workshop a success. The workshop ‘road map’, seen below, highlights the key topics addressed over the five days.



















The first workshop took place from 8-12 October 2018 in Kampala, Uganda. Thirty participants attended, representing a broad range of educational and professional backgrounds, including researchers, public health practitioners, as well as Master’s and PhD students.


The second workshop took place from 23-27 September 2019 in Kigali, Rwanda. Again, 30 participants attended the workshop, including researchers, public health practitioners, as well as Master’s and PhD students.


We developed an EBPH Pocket Guide to accompany the workshop – it is given to all participants, and is meant to help support them in thinking about and applying the principles of EBPH after the workshop in their day-to-day work lives. It can be downloaded here.




Participant feedback

Overall, feedback from participants has been very helpful and positive, and has helped us to improve the workshop over time. A few we would like to share include: 


What I liked most was –


"...the interactive approach of teaching, whereby participants were given time to contribute"


“…the practice sessions – how we thought writing a question was obvious but it wasn’t!”


“…the content was rich and met my learning objectives”


“…the group sessions are always the most involving and interesting.”


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